Efficiency oil fired furnace and hot water tank.

Efficiency oil fired furnace and hot water tank.
Efficiency oil fired furnace and hot water tank. - Photo 1 of 10Efficiency oil fired furnace and hot water tank. - Photo 2 of 10Efficiency oil fired furnace and hot water tank. - Photo 3 of 10Efficiency oil fired furnace and hot water tank. - Photo 4 of 10Efficiency oil fired furnace and hot water tank. - Photo 5 of 10Efficiency oil fired furnace and hot water tank. - Photo 6 of 10Efficiency oil fired furnace and hot water tank. - Photo 7 of 10Efficiency oil fired furnace and hot water tank. - Photo 8 of 10Efficiency oil fired furnace and hot water tank. - Photo 9 of 10

GRANBY Efficiency Oil Furnace, Like new efficiency oil fired furnace 140,000 btus, also an oil fired hot water boiler.
The furnace comes with an AC unit and condenser.
The furnace is designed for using with heating and cooling variable speed
Controller,all included.
Used only moderately because our home has convection heating.
Furnace new was $7000
Hot water boiler was $3500
Ac condenser and A coil.$3800
All for the price of $4500

Views: 63

Price: $4,500.00

Location: Corner Brook (West)


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