Lawn And Garden TURF 5 BOLT Tire , Mint Condition
5 Bolt ,16.5 X 6.50-8 , Turf Tire/rim, 16.5 X 6.50-8 , Turf 5 Bolt Tire : ONE Princess Auto Lodestar 16.5 x 6.50-8 , 5 BOLT Lawn And Garden TURF Tire In * NEW Condition *. Use with Lawn and Garden Equipment to Prevent Turf and Lawn Damage. Minimize turf and lawn damage with this wide-shoulder tire. It features closely packed tread blocks for superior traction and is Best Utilized with * Low-Speed Equipment *. Wide shoulder design minimizes turf and lawn damage. Closely packed tread blocks provide great traction. * NOT for Highway Use *.
$30.00 OBO
In Carbonear
Views: 75