Wanted: Mattress(es) for @ Family-in-NeeD
WANTED, We are looking for 2 mattresses of good quality (lightly-stained or not) These are for an apartment we are setting up/furnishing for a needy family.
We need 1 Queen & 1 Double/Full (or 2 Queen) at the present time.
A split box spring for 1 Queen would be an Awesome Plus
(bedrm is up older set of stairs & can't fit a full size box)
OR a queen bedframe that we can build a support system into??
We're flexible & creative ;)
If you can help in any way, we GreaTLy AppreCiaTe ANYTHiNG you can do!
Thanks very Kindly, :)
P.S.: Thanks Terry & Gang for the Twin mattress(es)!!
Views: 149