Need A Tutor for 1on1 K-12, Math & Science
- Need better grades in Math and/or Science?
- Boost your grades up to where you want them with an experienced teacher to tutor you one-on-one.
- I am an certified and qualified teacher who has tutored the Math and Science curriculum in both Junior and Senior high school, as well as post-secondary courses.
Courses tutored:
- K-12: Math grades 7, 8 & 9, Math 1201, 1202, Math 2201, 2200, 2202, Math 3201, 3200, 3202.
Also tutor:
- MUN: Math 1090.
- MI: Math 0102 , Math 0103, Math 0112, Math 0200, Math 0201, Math 1100 (Pre-Calculus) and Math 1102 (Pre-Calculus). and CNA: MA1104.
- Science Junior High grades 7 - 9, Science 1206, 2200, 3200, Biology 2201 and 3201, Chemistry 2202 and 3202; Physics 2204 and 3204;
Also tutor: First year Chemistry:
- MUN: Chemistry Chemistry 1010 and 1011.
- MI: Chemistry 1201,
- CNA: CH1135, Introductory Chemistry I, CH1140, General Chemistry I, and CH1141, General Chemistry II.
Tutoring is either by via video, to provide a safe means of learning, or in person at the Mount Pearl library next to the Glacier.
- Cost for tutoring certain academic levels please contact me at my e-mail: [email removed] or [email removed]
Views: 43